...is sometimes not at all a "difficult matter."
Basty entered this world with full recognition that SHE WAS FIERCE and she let
everyone know it. So the name BASTY NASTARD came easily to mind (especially by
those who have a particularly warped one). We have almost 26 years worth of
Basty stories that could be told. The story behind this picture involved a
camping trip our family was on. It included our son Erik, his friend Brent, Stu
and I, our dog Tor, Basty and her son Oliver Sumb Dhit (he came by his name
naturally also). Oliver was quite young (he had been rejected by his adoptive
family because of allergies he caused). Basty was very protective of him, as she
was to the rest of us. Unfortunately for the mother bear and her cub that came
through our camp spot, Basty was affronted. All 6 pounds of her hissed, spit and charged these two unknowing creatures right up a tree. They sat there for hours and Basty posted below, glowered and dared them to come down. It took us several hours to find Oliver who out of fright seeing the two bears, hid. |